Letters to Appropriations Committees Opposing Anti-Speed Limiter Language

Dear Chairwoman Murray and Vice-Chair Collins and Chairwoman Granger and Ranking Member De Lauro:

We write to you on behalf of the Institute for Safer Trucking and Road Safe America to request that you oppose the inclusion of a provision in the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2024 that prohibits the promulgation of any rule or regulation requiring speed limiting devices for trucks with a gross vehicle weight over 26,000 pounds operating in interstate commerce. This provision was included in the House THUD Appropriations bill and should not be included in the Senate’s version as it undermines vital efforts to improve road safety.

Our organizations are deeply concerned about the rising number of truck crash deaths in the United States. In 2021 alone, our nation experienced a devastating total of 5,788 truck crash fatalities, reflecting a shocking 47 percent increase since 2012. These tragic incidents not only result in the loss of innocent lives but also have severe economic and emotional consequences for families, communities, and the country.

Speeding trucks pose a significant danger on our roads. Excessive speed reduces a truck driver's ability to maneuver and react to sudden changes in traffic conditions, leading to an increased risk of preventable collisions. Moreover, the force of impact from a speeding truck is significantly greater than that of a passenger vehicle, resulting in more severe injuries and fatalities for truck occupants and other road users.

It is important to note that speed limiters are not some new and untested technology. On the contrary, speed limiters have been integrated into all large trucks in the United States since 2003, and leading trucking companies have voluntarily adopted their use for nearly two decades. This technology has proven to be an effective means of preventing truck crashes caused by excessive speed, and, clearly, has the potential to make trucking companies even more money by reducing costs associated with fuel and liability.

Unfortunately, the provision currently included in the House Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2024 jeopardizes the progress made in advancing proven safety technologies. Denying the ability to mandate speed limiting devices on trucks above 26,000 pounds will hinder our collective efforts to mitigate the risks associated with speeding trucks and prevent needless loss of life. It is crucial that we prioritize the safety of all road users and support measures, like speed limiters, that have proven effective in preventing and mitigating the severity of crashes.

Therefore, we request that you oppose any attempt to include this anti-safety provision in the Senate’s THUD Appropriations bill. By doing so, we can ensure that regulatory agencies have the necessary tools and authority to establish and enforce data-driven regulations aimed at enhancing road safety.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or require additional details.


Harry Adler, Principal

Institute for Safer Trucking

Steve Owings, Co-Founder

Road Safe America