Letter to the Editor: Remembering Emily Fredricks, EBHS 2011

By Laura Fredericks

Dear Editor, 

On Thursday, April 15, 2021, Rich and Laura Fredricks delivered two memorial benches to the East Brunswick High School in loving memory of their daughter, Emily, a 2011 graduate of EBHS. 


Emily was 24 years old when she was killed by the driver of a sanitation truck while she was cycling to work as a French pastry chef in Philadelphia on November 28, 2017.  Rich and Laura and their family and friends are continuing to honor and remember Emily with the Emily Fredricks Foundation. 

The Fredricks have also become advocates for safe streets, including being co-founders of Families for Safe Streets Greater Philadelphia.  They are also members of FSS New Jersey and the Vision Zero NJ Alliance. 

The Fredricks wish to thank Dr. Michael Vinella, Principal of EBHS, for facilitating their donation of the benches. 

In addition, they wish to thank all of those who were in attendance at the dedication, including Dr. Vinella, Assistant Principals Pazinko, Petronko and Yannazzo and Emily's high school volleyball coaches, Greg Rutz and Melissa Strauss, in addition to two of the Foundation Board Members, Dar Shelley and Debbie Kusmider. 

To learn more about Emily, please visit www.emilyfredricksfoundation.org.

Many thanks,

Laura J. Fredricks


Co-founder, Families for Safe Streets Greater Philadelphia

Families for Safe Streets New Jersey

Vision Zero NJ Alliance

Link to Original Letter to the Editor: https://www.tapinto.net/sections/giving-back/articles/letter-to-the-editor-remembering-emily-fredricks-ebhs-2011